Viagra Flavored Ice Cream Hitting Party Circuit

Charlie Harry Franics' champagne flavored Viagra spiked ice cream didn't come from a wet dream.  And we're not sure who's gonna be smiling more, the licker or the lady that happens to be around when the stuff comes out of the freezer.

Charlie calls his concoction 'the Arousal' of course and confesses to taking two grueling days to develop the recipe. A labor of self-love as it were.

Charlie didn't make the one-off manhood medley for himself though, the 'order' came from an 'A-list' celebrity who had to have the Viagra spiked sherbet and a confidentiality agreement before plunking down his cash.

"It’s all very secretive, we’ve had to sign a confidentiality agreement so I can’t reveal the name of the client," said Charlie with an empty ice-cream container on his lap. "All I’m allowed to say is it was for a party and that they were very happy with the end result."

Looks like Charlie can expect a rise in business once people get their hands on the new product.

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