Wife Plants Child Porn On Husband's Computer

How twisted does one get to cook up a viscous child porn plot against someone once loved?

Pennsylvanian Meri Jane Woods, 42 collected and piled really nasty child porn images and place them on her estranged husband's computer. She then waited three days to pay the cops a visit and allege her husband sexually abused children and had child porn on his computer. All that was on August 14th.

The perfect crime? Almost. The malicious woman was about to get away with the dastardly deed when all of it came unraveled. The subsequent police investigation found hard evidence her hubby had left the residence on July 23. The time-stamps on the child porn files were three weeks after the guy had hit the road so he no longer had access to the system.

Mari Jane Woods was charged with a felony count of the sexual abuse of children for owning a computer covered in child porn. She also got nailed for 40 counts of lying about alleged child abuse.

Merry Christmas one and all...