Morning After Pill Fails For Women Over 165 Pounds

If you're female and weigh over 165 pounds you have a lot of problem already.  Now add the morning after pill to that list. A warning from the makers say the drug won't work for you.

HRA Pharma, the French makers of Norlevo are changing warnings to reflect the weight limits. European pharmaceutical regulators are following suit.

The US CDC says the critical bovine cutoff is a beefy 166 pounds for the average American woman.   But no warning labels are required yet. Some of the OTC pill names are Plan B One-Step, Next Choice One Dose, and My Way.

The really bad part? Data from 2010 show the average US white woman 20 years and older weighs 166.2 pounds, and the average black female tips in at a pulse-pounding 186  - rendering the pills useless.

So, if you have a fat female friend frolicking, frisky, and foolish sleeping around without protection send her a link to this article - it may just save her some grief. Either that or encourage her to lose the weight.