World's Worst Child Porn Pervert Nailed

Since the 1960s US culture has been in steep decline. Ironically this coincides with the rise of the ugly serpent head of 'progressive secular humanism' largely responsible for the destruction.

From the twisted mind of liberals comes abortion on demand in all forms. And with the breakdown of ethics and morality the sexualization and abuse of kids. When you accept the death of babies in the womb it's not much of a leap to consume kids as they struggle to grow up either.

The Web has allowed an explosion of knowledge gathering and dissemination. So no surprise the medium is co-opted by guys sitting their basements embedded in an upscale gated communities downloading and distributing millions of child porn images and videos.

Meet John Shearen - the despicable monster pictured. He was arrested by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) on his 51st birthday sitting in a semen covered office chair in front of a semen covered PC downloading child porn as the cops entered his basement. Given the sheer volume and determination of Shearen's nefarious downloading he has been crowned the world's worst child porn purveyor.

After cuffing the corporeal curmudgeon the cops scoured the house looking for evidence of kids clothing or toys. None found. Shocked neighbors are breathing a little easier today, but they should be asking themselves did Shearen have play pals nearby?  Find Florida sex offenders here.

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