Dem Mayor Caught Masturbating At Ninety

Mount Carmel, TN Democrat Vice-Mayor William Blakely took to the roads a few days ago with a novel way to connect with constituents.

Weaving through traffic at nearly 100 mph the marauding mayor weaved wildly through traffic honking horn and waving weenie.

Witness Kelly Street says Blakely was speeding, "At over 90 miles per hour, he had his penis out [the window]... he was masturbating... and that's when it got really, really bad. I wouldn't look over any more, and I wrote his tag number down on my hand, which I believe he noticed, and he exited very quickly."

It's not clear what was getting Bill off more, the speed or the other thing.

Blakely's in court facing charges of indecent and reckless endangerment, and criminal attempt to commit aggravated assault. Indecent endangerment and assault?   Did anyone get any on them?

Blakely admits to the joy-jerking  car ride but says nothing by way of motive.  So the town is left to wonder how the hell this guy got elected - oh yea, to get a background check one must apply for a gun not an office.

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