Moron Uses Real Green Paint To Become Hulk

What are they smoking in Brazil? Whatever it is, avoid it...

Brazilian pool attendant Paulo Henrique dos Santos, from Vila Cruzeiro, wanted to be The Incredible Hulk for a running event.

Fine. The problem? Paulo used a paint reserved for ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines to get the distinctive green hue instead of a washable water soluble tint. 

Paulo had done this before but the store he got the earlier colors from was out of his 'brand'.  So he chose the 'doesn't come off unless hit by a nuclear missile paint,' instead. 

A full 2 days and 20 showers later - he was still as green as a gecko and not loving it.  For extra points the paint was lead based, so the goof is starting to shake like a Parkinson's patient too.

But all's not lost.  He rounded up 20 friends to scrub his pale green body for 2 more days finally removing the top three layers of skin and enough of the paint to lower his lead levels.

Paulo returned to his job at the pool.  Raw, bleeding and and getting his eyesight back.  Next time Paulo should consider a different comic book character - say maybe Red Riding Hood?