Southern Poverty Law Center Issues Hate Group List

The hypocrisy of the left is infinite.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is like the ACLU, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, and even the so-called mainstream Democratic Party. They see racists, haters, and domestic terrorists under any rock that's not on their turf.

Colorado Sheriff John Cooke says, “We don’t pay any attention to [SPLC] at all. If you’re not left wing, you’re a hate group according to them.”

The Holder DOJ has been abusing of power targeting reporters like James Rosen of FoxNews. The SPLC carries that banner, and pushes it to the point of outright disgrace. The McCarthy era used the same techniques to smear political adversaries. Liberals love to copy-cat.

The SPLC doesn't list Muslim Jihadists as a “hate group” despite these groups advocating the destruction of Israel, homosexuals, and the USA itself.

In the end, the SPLC and their brothers in hypocrisy are a yawn - people see them for what they are now, country haters, plotting behind a facade of legitimacy.

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