Male Deconstruction At Duke

The Women's Center at Duke University has cooked up a man-hating class to 'help' male students “question and deconstruct toxic masculinities.”

The organizers say: “We want to explore, dissect, and construct an intersectional understanding of masculinity and maleness, as well as to create destabilized spaces for those with privilege.”

To get a perspective on this nonsense recall Hitler establishing a Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment in 1933 headed by Joseph Goebbels.

The Ministry's mission was to shove the Nazi message down the German people's throat via art, music, theater, films, books, radio, educational institutions, and the press.

The ministry broke down resistance against leaving Jews unmolested by characterizing the Nazi government as stepping in and “restoring order.”

Now substitute 'males' for 'Jews' and the message becomes Krystallnackt clear, does it not?