Science Invents The 3-D Printed Heart Sack

Researchers at both the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Washington University have created a heart bag on a 3-D printer that is keeping a rabbit's heart pumping forever.

It kinda looks like a faded strawberry.

The thin membrane is elastic, designed to stretch over a heart like a condom, and is outfitted with dozens of tiny electrodes that monitor cardiac function.

The science guys say the device won't be ready for humans for another fifteen years. Once fitted it will ensure the wearer gets the jolt in the precise spot when his/her heart tries to quit.

Plus the device comes with an iPhone app so the doctor can take a look see anytime he wants. That's unless Apple computer manages to go out of business before then because the CEO is a Global Warming nitwit.

Isn't that special?

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