Man Jailed For Facebook Threats Against Harry Reid

You don't need to wear a tin-foil hat, or peek outside fearing you'll catch a glimpse of a black helicopter.  Make no mistake - what you say online is under constant surveillance by the NSA. 

Lawrence Mulqueen, 50, faced a judge last week and blamed his Facebook rants on booze, "if I'd had the opportunity to review them after sobering up."

What did he say that's landing him in jail and a rehab program? Mulqueen admitted he posted, "I cannot wait to start killing the scum...". Mulqueen was referring to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bloomberg, Charlie Schumer, and members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Note: Obama's name absent from the list of Democrats despite Mulqueen being a pasty old drunken white guy. 

The judge admonished Mulqueen, "You're entitled to your opinions, you're just not entitled to having them be threatening."

Mulqueen's been sober since last May when he entered jail. Mulqueen's landlady called the cops complaining of harassment. When the cops arrived, they found Mulqueen, his Facebook page, and some guns.

So while Larry's cooling his heels in jail  he still has that gun dealie to explain.  Maybe he can sign up to Obamacare for his alcohol treatment - after all, he can't be refused for a preexisting condition remember.