Obama Lectures Congress On Partisanship

Alert: Obama Says Red Line Passed In Syria - Wag The Dog?

The Obama hypocrisy river is so deep it stinks worse than a bucket of dead toads sizzling in the sun.

So it's a laugh when Obama gets behind his presidential podium and lectures others on partisanship. No president has been more divisive, more drunk with power, more malicious, more Machiavellian than Barry Sotero - not even Tricky Dick Nixon.

Yesterday Obama took to the podium to rapidly throw someone under the bus hoping to fend off the coming freight train that is the IRS audit mess. Obama said he accepted the resignation of acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller - a guy who was quitting in a couple of weeks anyway.

In the same long, labored breath Obama admonished the truth seekers in congress not to engage in the "smack of politics and partisan agendas."

Obama's memory must be shorter even than the public's. The gun grabber in chief was jetting around the last two weeks using Sandy Hook victims as a backdrop in a partisan show over guns and promising illegals amnesty. Then in a flash the IRS, AP and Benghazi scandals broke open like a boil on a sanitary workers butt.

After Obama's dog and pony show he sent his butt-licking press guy Jay Carney out to blow more smoke at the gallery. Carney: Obama and crew are innocent of any knowledge and wrongdoing. Whew...that's a relief. Obama didn't do it!

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