Courtless Divorce Goes Online

Is there an online model for saving money in a messy divorce? thinks so.

The simple version where there are no kids, no assets, no pets, and no feelings left are easy one-pagers as documented in the Dummies for Divorce book for a $1.99, also online.

But what about the intractable, knock-down, drag-out, spitting, murder-for-hire, knuckle-bloody marital split where he has been sleeping with half the women at the office and she has been getting a secret sex-change operation?

That's when you usually need lawyers, hideouts and a lots of counseling. The bill can range from around $30k to 'open a vein' and lay down and die kind of bucks.  But Wevorce thinks they can do it a lot cheaper and with far less middle-of-the-night blanket theft and visits by the cops.

For a mere $7,500 Wevorce cofounder Michelle Crosby says, 'Each party that works with Wevorce selects their own counsel to file their pleadings with the court house, so they never have to go to court.'

'We have built a referal network of attorneys that we call Hevorce and Shevorce attorneys who agree to review the pleadings and file them with the court for a flat fee.'  The pronoun word contractions are kinda creepy, but Michelle may be onto something.

It's new, about a week old.  So if you still have enough left in the marriage to logon to a website, give these guys a look.  But ya gotta stop fighting over who gets the computer, first.

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