David Brock: Self Appointed Gargoyle of The Left

Gargoyles (grotesque creatures) were used to assist the Church in conveying messages to the common people.

David Brock, gargoyle founder of Media Matters, sees himself as the 'Progressives Church' leader who carries 'the message' to the common people. Brock is on a witch-hunt, sniffing the air for Fox News scent trails.

'Criticizing Fox News has nothing to do with criticizing the press,' read a 2010 memo by Brock that was acquired by Politico. “Fox News is not a news organization. It is the de facto leader of the GOP, and it is long past time that it is treated as such by the media, elected officials and the public.”

Brock said his activism has developed into a 'war on Fox.' This strategy includes extensive work to compile intelligence on the employees of the Fox News Network.

'We made a list of every single person who works for Fox and tried to figure out who might be disgruntled and why, and we went out to try to meet them,' Media Matters Ari Rabin-Havt said. 'Somebody in that organization is giving us primary source documents.'

Rabin-Havt also told Politico that Media Matters was compiling 'opposition research' files on 'mid- and senior-level execs and producers.'  The term "opposition research" is Orwellian Doublspeak for 'digging up dirt on perceived enemies.'  Sounds paranoid huh?

Brock, in this bloggers opinion is a paranoid, left-wing extreme. Remember, this is the guy that accused Glenn Beck of making assassination attempts on Barak Obama, his proof? See Salem Witch Trials.