Study: Organic Same As Pesticide Laden Food

Are you buying organic food at much higher prices than regular pesticide laden food?  Do you carry water for the Global Warming cult too?

To be organic the USDA restricts organic farms from using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, hormones and antibiotics. Organic livestock must graze on pastures during grazing season that have not been treated with herbicides or non-organic fertilizers.

Stanford University researchers reviewed 200 studies comparing the health of people who ate organic versus those people eating the pesticide stuff.

Stanford's Smith-Spangler found no difference in nutrients from plant or animal products produced organically versus conventionally - the only trace difference being slightly more phosphorus in the organic products.

Noteworthy is that 30% of pesticide foods had detectable residue, yet 7% of the organic products had higher levels of residue. Smith-Spangler said none of the foods exceeded the government limits on pesticide contamination.

Do the chemicals that kill the bugs and bacteria really harm humans? No. But you can't tell that to a sandal wearing, left-winger who readily buys any myth that challenges modern life.

By the way, organic or not, regularly steam clean your entire kitchen and power-spray your food. And by all means do not eat in the open air of your home, or touch your food with ungloved hands. And never eat at a restaurant - what goes on the hidden kitchen of a commercial eatery barely passes Russian prison muster.

The world is filled with toxic chemicals and bacteria, so you have some work to do folks, stay vigilant!

Organic: 3 Myths Exploded
WebMD: 6 Myths Exploded
Scientific American: Organic 101