SCOTUS: Obamacare Mandate Is A TAX

No one predicted it, none expected it.  John Roberts, not the moderate Anthony Kennedy sided with the socialists at SCOTUS and upheld the mandate portion of Obamacare - not under the Commerce clause, but as a TAX.

Is Roberts guilty of judicial activism by injecting language into the Obamacare law to save it?  The Angle says yes.   So 'we the people' were not saved by the court.

So now what?

Obamacare funding is based on three insidious mechanisms. First is the mandate now defined as a tax.  Second is the theft from Medicare of $500 billion. Finally, third is forcing states to lower standards for Medicaid sucking millions more in - ultimately requiring states to bear back-breaking increased costs.

The decision today redefined the first and put a kibosh on the third.  SCOTUS says states are NOT required to expand Medicaid.  So the full effect of Obamacare is oddly curtailed.

Obamacare is most of Obama's legacy and given the mandate is actually a tax hike Obama has violated a central campaign promise made in 2008 - yet another one!  In an ironic twist, letting Obamacare stand is not a win for Obama as long as people hate the law.  If anything, the ballot-box-imperative retakes center stage.  Recall the mid-term rout of the Democrats was largely over Obamacare - vengeance 2010 redux.

Roberts left the marble bungalow quickly.  Roberts washed his hands of the whole mess and tossed it back to voters. The voters, not the courts, must arbitrate Obamacare "now that they know what's in it."

Just as the founders intended.

Obama: Mandate is Not a Tax
Obama 2008: Pledge To Not Raise Taxes 
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