Tranny Wins Track Championship

Transgender teen Andraya Yearwood almost topped the field in the Connecticut state girls track and field championships.

But there were two other transgender teens competing and they took the top spots, trouncing the other actual females who stood none to zero chance of winning.

Gay tennis legend Martina Navratilova recently a wrote an op-ed piece railing against transgender athletes saying biological men competing with women is “insane” and “cheating.”

Navratilova was immediately attacked by Athlete Ally whose "mission is to end the rampant homophobia and transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQ equality."

The pub says Navratilova is “transphobic” and “has been removed from our Advisory Board and as an Athlete Ally Ambassador, effective immediately.”

Lesbians At High Risk Of Obesity

A study at the University of East Anglia’s Norwich Medical School involving nearly 100,000 gay men and women focused on BMI (fat index) to see if a correlation exists between weight and sexual identity.

Researchers found women who identify as lesbian or bisexual are at hyper risk to become overweight or obese, compared to heterosexual women.

However, and oddly conversely, gay and bisexual men are more likely than heterosexual men to be underweight.   Either direction is considered unhealthy.

The assumed culprit?  The school says stressors like homophobia and heterosexism (whatever that is) push gays into either a frenzy of feasting or a drought of drink and larder.

Dare we add these dangers to all the other land mines gays are saddled with (teaser on a future story on gay land mines)....

Medical Doctors Endangered

Forty-four percent of MDs surveyed this year said they were depressed, feel long-term, unresolvable job stress, detachment and burnout

One MD a day ends their own life — the highest suicide rate of any profession.

In 2014, Dr. Hawkins Mecham was putting in 100 hours a week.  Everything was coming apart, including his marriage. “And then I just snapped,” the 33-year-old says.

Mecham slit his wrists in a motel room, losing so much blood he passed out.  When he woke up he wrapped bandages on his wrists and drove to an ER.

Nearly two-thirds of MDs are pessimistic about the future of the medical profession.

Forty-six percent plan to change career paths. Seventeen percent are retiring.  And twelve percent want to find a job where they don't have to deal with patients.

Finally, over half say they don't want medicine as a career for their kids.

Good Cops Bad Cops, Really Bad Cops

Johnny Wheatcroft was a passenger in the Ford Taurus his wife was driving when two Glendale cops stopped them for a turn signal violation.

Minutes later body cams recorded Wheatcroft handcuffed lying face down and tased 10 times.

But wait, there's more.

Wheatcroft was still moving, so officer Matt Schnieder started to kick him in the groin, yanked his shorts down and tased him a final time in his testicles.

The ordeal was witnessed by the pair's 11- and 6-year-old sons.

Independent law enforcement experts have since assessed the officers’ conduct was unlawful, potentially criminal, and one of the most cruel and troubling cases of police misconduct they’ve ever seen

Monkey Kidnaps Two-Year-Old

Apparently monkeys in India like to snatch human infants.  Some say they want a playmate.  Some say they're species confused.

In Haryana, India a monkey took a toddler and refused to release the kid despite being confronted by several bystanders.

Seemingly innocent, the situation has led to tragedy for others.

A newborn was found at the bottom of a well in Odisha last year. 

The baby slipped out of the hands of the simian as it stood over the well.  The infant drowned.

Age Six Sets Adult Income

A 30-year study concludes young anti-social boys will earn less as adults.

Grade school teachers in Montreal rated 920 6-year-old boys according to quantified levels of inattention, hyperactivity, defiant behavior, aggression and empathy.

Thirty-years later the tax returns of the 36-year-old men were matched against the old scores.

Hyperactivity and abhorrent psychosocial tendencies lead to lower incomes.  And those are the boys that didn't end up in prison!

So if you want your kids to do well later make sure they draw inside the lines, don't kick a another kid in the crotch, and do what the damn teacher says...conformity and playing nice is everything, even in Kindergarten!

And The Dumbest Oxy Thief Award Goes To...

Petty thief Peter Hans Emery, 56, cased a prescription “lock box” at a Pinellas Park, Fl home for weeks.

Peter was eventually captured on video cracking open the pill bottle inside the box labeled “Hydrocodone-Acetaminophen,” pouring all the pills out, and leaving in great haste.

The problem?  The bottle actually contained Equate Gentle Laxative pills.  Instead of an intense oxy high, this drug promises “predictable overnight relief” from constipation.

By the time the cops caught up with Emery he was found in a curled fetal position immobilized on a shit-stained mattress begging for death.

Emery had priors getting him 28 months in state prison for offenses like burglary, cocaine possession, forgery, grand theft, resisting arrest, and auto theft.   Anyone wanna bet he doesn't share his last arrest with other inmates this time around?

Bingo Battle Breaks-Out At Nursing Home

The cops admitted they've never had a call like the one that took them to the long-term care facility in Rideau Lakes, Ontario.

Two women — aged 79 and 86 — allegedly each grabbed and demanded to sit in the same seat. 

The pushing started slowly and then escalated to include other residents who also slowly took sides and started swinging.

Remember, nothing happens quickly in a long-term care facility.   Especially when the melee involves a bunch of 'should know better' eighty-plus year olds.

Apparently only egos were bruised and the bingo game wrapped-up just after the cops left the premises.  But the damage was done.  Not even more chairs will fix it this time, sadly.

Son Shoots And Kills Home Invasion Pair

Alvin Smalls, 20 and Amir Rashad Lynn, 18 picked the wrong house to invade and the wrong woman to threaten with a gun.

The two broke into a home in Brevard County, Fl and held a woman at gunpoint.  The woman's son, awakened by the violence, got his gun and shot the suspects.

Smalls died on the spot.  Lynn fled and made it to a nearby hospital and later died in the ER.

Brevard County Sheriff’s Office says the shooting appears to be a case of self-defense.

50,000,000,000 Pounds Of Spiders

The combined weight of all living spiders on Earth is 25 million tons or 50,000,000,000 pounds.  That's 1 million spiders per acre.

You have good reason to fear spiders.

If all these spiders decided people were a food source, homo-sapiens would become extinct in a single year. 

Why?  Because each spider eats 10% of their body weight each day requiring 400–800 million tons of prey annually.

The total biomass of all humans is 287 million tons. Not enough to satisfy the annual harvest spiders require to keep their present numbers going.

Oh, how many spiders needed to devour a 200-pound adult male?  About 2000.

Beer Metaphor Explains Tax System

The nation's highest taxes are levied in big blue states California, Illinois and New York.

Now New York is facing an exodus of their tax base and a $2.3 billion budget shortfall.  So does NY Gov. Andy Cuomo reduce taxes, spending and balance a budget? No. Cuomo  blames Trump, of course.

So how do Democrats sell tax and spend giveaways?

Play the video and pass it on, it's worth it's weight in tax-ripoff gold.