Passenger's Non-Stop Farting Downs International Flight

A Transavia Airline flight from Dubai to Amsterdam made a panicked call to Air Traffic Control enroute: "passengers on the rampage."

The situation led to a forced costly diversion of the aircraft to Vienna. 

The 'rampage' was about an elephantine elderly man who reportedly refused to pinch-off releases of incessant, pungent farting.

The force and frequency of the flatulence so aggravated the two Dutch passengers sitting next to him that a fist fight broke out.

Once on the ground police officers boarded with dogs. All four passengers were escorted off the plane including the farter, the two men in adjoining seats and the two sisters related to the gas-passer who were sitting across the isle.

Despite feigning innocence and forced to find other flights all were banned from any future travel on the airline.  Even the flatulent brobdingnagian.