Racist Serial Killer Captured

Fredrick Demond Scott, 22 has been arrested in Kansas City after a massive man-hunt.   Scott is suspected in a five man killing spree that began last year.

His five victims were white men between ages 54 and 67.  All fatally shot, most from behind, in surprise attacks as they walked dogs, visited parks and, in one case, walked down a city street.

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article170340652.html#storylink=cpy

Scott knew none of the men so why did he do it?  In 2014 Scott threatened to shoot up a school and “kill all white people,” according to court records.

Scott’s mother says her son doesn't hate white people.

Wonder why CNN and the other fake news outlets are ignoring the story?  Anyone?

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article170340652.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/crime/article170340652.html#storylink=cpy

Black Lives Matter Ten Demands

Ironically the current incarnation of the KKK are just a bunch of boy scouts compared to the hard-core haters in ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.

Trump said as much after Charlottesville and left-wing fascists charged out to roast him and make more shrill calls for his impeachment.

Can blacks be racist?  Consider these from the list of Black Lives Matter head Chanelle Helm's demands:

1. Whites must give their homes and property to black people.
2. Whites who inherit property must give that to black people.
3. White developers must build housing and give it to black people for free.
4. Whites with large houses must let black people move in.
5. Whites leaving property to family must instead leave it to black people.

Laughable huh?  But then, that's how Lenin, Mao and Hitler started too, remember?

Fat People The New Negro

The left needs victims.

Which is why blacks are joined by lesbians, gays, transsexuals and college kids 'exposed' to conservative campus speakers allegedly harmed by angry white males.

Oregon State University just approved a course entitled “Fat Studies” which argues “weightism” is a civil rights issue.
The course concentrates on “body weight, shape, and size as an area of human difference subject to privilege and discrimination that intersects with other systems of oppression based on gender, race, class, age, sexual orientation, and ability.”

Presumably the eventual intent is to jail anyone making fun of a fat person, except another fat person of course.

How about that for a load of lard?

Tranny's Triple Switch

Tired of seemingly interminable tales of tawdry tranny trouble?  Too bad.

Ria Cooper was born a boy and became Britain's youngest sex-swap patient at fifteen.  But Ria hit a wall.  She twice attempted suicide after turning to drugs, was a victim of violent relationships and dabbled in prostitution.

So at eighteen Ria endured the unendurable transition back to gay male. 

Astonishingly after five years as a guy Ria says he/she/he wants to be a she again. 

Why?  Ria says, “I’d love a child of my own, I’d love to have a baby to cuddle and love and look after as they grow up. It’s not going to happen overnight, I know that. But I can dream can’t I?”

Well, don't feel too sorry for the surgery addict.  British taxpayers foot his/her/his/her bills thanks to their single-payer NHS system. 

You know, the system that's also bankrupt.   Wonder how that happened?

Penis Pasty Unsafe

Most know donning a condom (love glove) is like taking a shower with your socks on.  So some are turning to Jiftip.

The product is a kind of dick tip tarp.   The company says it's the way to “Feel your partner, Feel Freedom, Feel Safe.”

What's the catch?  For starters 99% of the yogurt slinger is still exposed to STDs.

And possibly worse?  It blocks and backfires the ejaculation shoving semen into your bladder (doctors call it retrograde ejaculation). 

In the infamous words of Bill Clinton, nice try Jiftip, but no cigar.