"Milk" And "Tomahawk Missile" Are Racist

PETA has a new video belching, “Did you know that milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists?”   The screw-loose-leftists insist milk is the neo-Nazi drink of choice and has “long been” a symbol used by white supremacist groups as a “thinly veiled allegory for racial purity.”

But the milk and cookies don't stop with the PETA pukes.  On April 8th the toad-in-chief at Mother Jones, Clara Jeffrey tweeted, "That the missiles are called tomahawks must enrage a lot of Native Americans."

Clara got scalped trying to co-opt American Indians and what they might like or dislike.

Hitler preferred meth to milk.   And the Indians have bigger issues than military names for missiles but then what else do left-wing goof have going?