Urban Outfitters Touts Tampon Booze Tubes

How about an irresponsible retailer helping girls sneak schnapps into bars and rock concerts?  Sounds kinda sinister huh folks?

Urban Outfitters makes no pretense about Tampon Booze Tubes. The tiny plastic test tubes wrapped in yellow and green giving the stealthy appearance of name brand tampons.

The pitch is for a $14 pack of five and are said to be ideal for smuggling in the contraband 'because, honestly? Nobody's gonna question tampons.'

Listed on Amazon one drunken customer wrote, 'This is a great idea and I fell in love with the whole concept. What man or (woman) searching your bag will even think twice about what he sees!!! Excellent!'

Great, what are parents supposed to do now?  Hang on Cassandra, what's in your tampons?  Sales must be grim at Urban Outfitters going after the tipsy teen crowd.