Feminist Professor Charged With Assault

A ferocious, frothing, feminist associate professor getting paid to 'teach'  race, gender and the sex 'industry' and who more disgustingly refers to herself as a 'porn scholar' works at UC Santa Barbara.

Already pathetic that a major university even has such a venue. But it gets juicier.

Mireille Miller-Young also faces misdemeanor charges of theft, battery and vandalism. Why?

Ms Miller-Young is seen in a video clashing with members of the 'Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust' group and allegedly shoving a 16-year-old anti-abortion protestor and stealing another picketer's sign - just because.

Miller-Young said she was 'triggered' by the graphic images on the sign and pamphlets carried by the protesters. Rather than lead by example engaging in a dialog, something both adults and certainly academics are routinely expected to do, she chose violence.

Oh, she was triggered.  And she's pregnant, and oh yea, she's black  so what else was she supposed to do?  After all, she's got pretty much all the victim-hoods wrapped up into one giant ball of slobbering arrogance and body fat.  Whats missing is the real point that Ms. Miller-Young doesn't like people who are against killing kids in the womb.

The Angle guesses dead abortion babies are a little too inconvenient for Ms. Miller-Young's curriculum.

Aborted Babies Incarnated To Heat Hospital