Sheila Jackson Lee Wants Welfare Whitewashed

Doublespeak is an intentional twisting of language that tries to disguises, distort, or reverse the meaning of words, usually for a political end.

The jobs report today has once again smashed any illusion that five failed years of Obama's inept and inconsequential time in office is going to fix the jobs mess.

An astounding ninety-two million are out of the workforce entirely now. The jobless number, a pure perversion stands at 6.7% because the number only reflects those working and looking for work, not those who've given up entirely.

So Democrats like Shiela Jackson Lee want to twist the tale and use doublespeak to change the terminology, instead of taking action and fixing it. The bulbous black congresswoman says, "Maybe the word welfare should be changed to something of a 'transitional living fund'."

Did you know $21 trillion bucks has been blown on the war on 'transitional living funders'? And that the poverty rate now stands at a fifty-year record high despite all the cash blown? So why not change the word poverty to something like lack-of-fundees, or maybe the zero-dollar-bank-balance crowd?

A rose by any other name smells just as putrid, right Sheila?