Study: Men Better Drivers Than Women

Want proof women are inferior to men when it comes to driving a car?. 

During the DMV driving test women fail most in parking, backing up, negotiating turns and making lane changes. True, men tend to be aggressive and risk taking, but men score consistently higher than women on these tests.

Oh sure you can find anecdotal evidence in an attempt to defend female drivers.  Fore example some will try to change the point by claiming insurance rates are lower for women.

But those people are cherry-picking and minimizing the distinct danger females pose when it comes to dealing with situations that demand acute reflexes, split second decision-making and quick reactions.

The eleven reasons men win:
  1. Men have fewer accidents than women, per mile driven 
  2. Women use cellphones and text more than men
  3. Women suffer from debilitating PMS and sleep deprivation
  4. National polls reveal most correctly think male driving is better than female driving
  5. 99% of winning race car drivers are male
  6. Women cause more fatal car wrecks than men
  7. As noted above, men pass drivers tests far faster and with higher scores
  8. Men are more proficient at judging speed, spatial analysis, & mathematical calculations
  9. Cars are in male DNA, women have no clue how they work or how they are constructed
  10. Women more likely to drive distracted with kids, pets and fixated mirror staring
  11. Women are geography challenged while men imprint directions using landmarks
Finally, the conundrum of Asian drivers.

Many theories attempt to explain the inexplicable actions of an Asian on the roads.  Why do they drive at half the speed limit, make sudden and near colliding lane changes, and even stop and backup to regain an exit missed on a freeway? 

No one knows for sure, but one thing is certain combine Asians generally and Asian females in specific and you just cited why people over 80 and Chinese women shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel.