More Gay Parents In Salt Lake City Than Anywhere

Liberals love to pretend they are more intelligent, more 'evolved', more tolerant, and more enlightened than conservatives.  Yet there's not even a mouse-turd-pile-sized mound of evidence that any of those generalizations are true.

Case in point.  Gays vote for Democrats because they buy the 'myth' that they are more accepted by them.  Real life fails to bear that out. In fact, gays are slowly finding that liberals present them with fake acceptance in order to use them for political purposes.  Conservatives don't use people.

Salt Lake City has more same-sex couples raising kids than any other city in the USA.  The heart of conservative Mormon country is also home to a growing black population and church membership.

The Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law found the majority of same-sex parents are raising their kids in more conservative areas of the country at large. Mississippi having the largest rate among all states with 26 percent - yet Gay marriage is banned in the deep southern state.

What gives?

Gay Utah resident Weston Clark, who's raising an adopted 3-year-old boy with his same-sex partner, believes it's Utah's love of family that binds them all together.

'In Utah, especially those of us who are from Utah originally, it’s ingrained in our culture that family is important,' he told the Salt Lake Tribune. 'It doesn’t matter if you’re gay or straight, you still want that.'

So in the end, what's most important is not the battle over garnering voters by pandering divisive social issues.  It's about the kids, and family.  A concept which disgusts hard-core liberal Seculars.

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