Week Late Mother's Day Gift Fails

You woke up on Mother's Day determined to do something 'special'.  How about a family photo with just you and mom immortalizing the woman who bore you?  So you arrange the whole thing, gussy up, pack mom into the van, and get a dozen shots in a dozen minutes...But wait...

Twilight zone music please... AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com specializes in finding and exposing those 'special' photos for the entire web world to see, and you won! Prominent, up in front, and collecting the comments by the fistful, there you are, and there she is, and man what a mistake.

Can the photo left really be Tom Selleck and his mom?  Or is Tom a cutout on this one.  The answer eludes me, but it sure looks like Tom is as surprised to be in this picture as the photographer was taking it.  And who really is this woman?  Is it Tom's mom?  If so, wow - something happened between conception and product.  Someone needs to get their money back.

How about you and mom put on the same red clothes, and comb your hair the same, and get the same glasses, and put on the same red lipstick, and sit in front of a red background, and well no one will guess whose mom is sitting next to you, guaranteed..

But why wait to be born?  Why not capture you and mom BEFORE mom becomes your mom?  How about a shot of mom and dad and you as a concept drawing on mom's pregnant stomach?  There you are all penciled in, curled up in the fetal position, waiting patiently for your parents to quit screwing around and get to the hospital so you can pop out.

Next time you get this impulse take a deep breath and give it more thought.  And if you do it anyway, make sure you see the pictures before anyone else and be ready to vault them away from prying eyes before you humiliate yourself and your mom for the balance of your time together.