Sound Pulse Gadget Cures Erectile Dysfunction

Penis placebos are horning-in on TV time.

Barely an hour passes that a Viagra or Cialis commercial filled with bathtubs on beaches, or Cheshire-cat grinning middle-aged minority couples circling each other warning us whoopee time is near.

Then the alleged payoff: don't let your erectile dysfunction ruin that 'thing you use to do'.

The pitch is plain, pills treat the symptoms, but zapping the meat-pony with sonic-pulses from the ED1000 make the whole thing come back like the Everready bunny.

Here's the beauty part. Patients receive 100 blasts of sound waves per minute for 3 hours over a 9-week period. The guy gets a 'tingling' feeling after each zap - for once a treatment that is better than the cure!

Word of caution - isn't there always a word of caution? Doctors say if your problem is in your head, then sound-zapping treatments will be the ONLY pleasure you end up getting.

But, if Vern's veins are clogged from years of burgers and beers, then Vern is in for at least one more thrill-ride before that big heart-attack grounds him permanently into a limp grave.