Who Is Shelley Berkley Of Nevada

Nevada seems to be loosing its grip on just about everything.  The state has had the worst housing, deficits, jobless, and bleeding revenue base of any state in the Union.

Dominated by Democrats, the state has continued to mix its legislature with Democrats in the majority, GOP governors, and splitting the House and Senate seats between the two parties.

Primarily run by Las Vegas political machines, Nevada seems to offer the country some of the most tawdry characters in politics.

Scandal rocked the GOP in the state when Gov. Gibbons and Sen. Ensign were embroiled in office sex scandals, and were both subsequently driven from office.  This hole in Nevada politics has been partially filled with the election of Gov. Sandoval, GOP. 

Will Ensign's senate seat go to a Reid insider - namely Shelley Berkley?  Shudder the thought, but she is currently ahead in the polls by 4 points.  Dean Heller is her GOP opponent, who appears to be off to a cold start.

Lets take a look at Rochelle Shelley "Mars Attacks" Berkley, the aging mannequin with the hair-helmet from left-wing central in Las Vegas.

Berkley is a prototype New York style Democrat, born Rochelle Levine she has not bothered to reinvent herself.  Moving to Nevada from New York as a teen, she lives in Las Vegas, and has been elected to congress in a district similar to Nancy Pelosi's, 58% Democrats, 23% GOP.  Hardly an uphill battle to stay in office.

Berkley has produced a hard-core liberal record over a twenty-year stretch in congress.  In 2012, the GOP is struggling to wrest control from the Reid's Democrat controlled dysfuntional Senate.  A Berkley win in Nevada would bode badly for that effort.

Should Nevada manage to fill both its senate seats with extreme left-wing radicals like Reid and Berkley, the state will sink like California, and Illinois.

Nevada faces an abyss of tax-hike pressures, shrinking casino revenues, and the Reid led effort to kill Yucca Mountain - the only remaining strong revenue source other than mining.  Berkley would readily vote to retain and enact even more destructive left-wing carp in DC.

As of Thursday October, 18 2012 Shelley is getting hosed in her lackluster campaign to unseat Dean Heller.