Science says genetics plays a big role in how the brain develops and ultimately how subject brains process political leanings.
Liberals are born feminine and keep that femininity their whole lives, whether female or male. Conservatives are not affected by the genetic slam that liberals suffer leaving them in a dawdling swirl of female hormones and addled brain activity.
Researchers looked at nearly 600,000 birth records and compared the names to voter rolls.
Left-winger feminine tendencies shows up in how they name their kids. Liberals use softer, more female sounding names with L, soft-A and Y endings like Obama's daughters Sasha and Malia.
Conservatives by contrast like neutral and masculine names with lots of of K, B, D and T’s producing sharper sounds. Sarah Palin named her kids Tack, Trig, Bristol, Willow, and Piper. And Mitt Romney's kids Tagg, Craig, Ben and Matt.
Celebrities are not just left-wing, they are also self-centered narcissists and have no problem saddling their kids with stigmatizing names to satisfy their over-sized egos. Remember the poor kids named Dweedle, Apple, Sage Moonblood, Destry, Blanket and Moon Unit?
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Liberals are born feminine and keep that femininity their whole lives, whether female or male. Conservatives are not affected by the genetic slam that liberals suffer leaving them in a dawdling swirl of female hormones and addled brain activity.
Researchers looked at nearly 600,000 birth records and compared the names to voter rolls.
Left-winger feminine tendencies shows up in how they name their kids. Liberals use softer, more female sounding names with L, soft-A and Y endings like Obama's daughters Sasha and Malia.
Conservatives by contrast like neutral and masculine names with lots of of K, B, D and T’s producing sharper sounds. Sarah Palin named her kids Tack, Trig, Bristol, Willow, and Piper. And Mitt Romney's kids Tagg, Craig, Ben and Matt.
Celebrities are not just left-wing, they are also self-centered narcissists and have no problem saddling their kids with stigmatizing names to satisfy their over-sized egos. Remember the poor kids named Dweedle, Apple, Sage Moonblood, Destry, Blanket and Moon Unit?
20 Celebrity Abusive Kid Names
Ultimate Celebrity Baby Name List
Top 'white' And 'black' Names
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