AFL-CIO Goes After Apple Computer

FDR allowed unions to get a toe-hold during the Great Depression, and now they're back with a black FDR named Obama.

Unions can't compete in world labor markets. That means American workers are up against low-wage foreign workers for jobs. And they don't like it much none.

Apple Computer makes its gadgets in China - Richard 'Dick' Trumka of the AFL-CIO figures he and his union thugs are due for a cut of that action.

"We call on Apple to immediately allow genuine unions, with truly independent factory inspections and worker trainings. Trying to brush this under the rug — or hide behind a front group like the FLA — only will make Apple’s PR problems worse," Trumka spits.

 Get this guy.

Apple's left-wing customers have benefited from cheap Chinese labor, and now the other element of the left-wing, unions, want their pound of iPhone flesh. Karma, baby.

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