Time Travel Foils Data Theft

Space, the final frontier?  Hang on.  What about Time Travel?

A 'time cloak' or 'temporal bubble' was created by bending light using special modulators over a year ago.  Researchers sent a 'signal' through the time anomolie and verified that they could alter the 'time' it took for the signal to travel a known distance between two points.  But this methodology was too slow to be practical for data streaming.

Andrew Weiner of Purdue U just demonstrated an alternative method based on the Talbot effect. The Talbot effect let Andy and his pals mirror high rates in the gigabit range. Utilizing a time cloak, high capacity and high speed data communications was hidden  both by the time portal and by the diffraction of photons in the Talbot effect.

The technology is in it's infancy though, decades away from commercial use. Still, you can bet if they get this done sooner rather than later, the government will have had it long before we mortals. And if a Democrat is president, he/she will use it to steal your stuff before you can get it yourself.