Worst Tippers By State And Race

Tipping is not an option.  Yet many chose to stiff the staff probably because it's easy to get away with it.  Low tippers are thieves - there's no kinder way to say it.

So who and where are these low life chiseling turds?

Teenagers, seniors and blacks are low or no tippers.  Teenagers and seniors are usually short on cash themselves, but blacks?  Why are blacks, often servers themselves, so ready to short-change?  No answer.

There are also cheap states, places where tipping is notoriously low or non existent.  If you work for tips stay away from these states (in order of suckeest tip rate):

1. Arkansas - 10%
2. West Virginia - 10.5%
3. North Dakota - 10.9%
4. Georgia - 11.2%
5. Alabama - 11.5%

And here are the states where service is appreciated and rewarded. California (20.4%), Nevada (20.1%) and Texas (19.7%).

Remember, if you go where tips are part of the freight, pay it.  Karma is a bitch dude, one day you may be dependent on them yourself.

Top Ten Celebrity Low Tippers
Tips On Tipping Etiquette
Who To Tip
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