Race Is The New Red Scare

How many remember the McCarthy era?   Martin Bashir of MSNBC is asserting a 'race scare' the same way Joseph McCarthy fomented a 'red scare.'  To manipulate and intimidate people by charging a conspiracy - it's about fear-mongering.

Bashir says anyone critical of the IRS abuses perpetrated by the Obama regime are thinly-veiled racist attacks on Obama.

Bashirism insists there is a conspiracy among the Republicans to keep 'the black man down.' Bashir says he finds his 'evidence' in GOP code words and secret handshakes.

McCarthy festered fear and ruined people's lives by falsely accusing innocents of being part of an unproven plot.  Bashir and guys like him are channeling McCarthy by using the race card to knock down legitimate concerns and hurt innocent people in the same way.

The McCarthy and Bashirs of the world can only win when people let fear destroy their courage to fight for justice and truth.

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