$6 Plastic Key On Amazon Unlocks All Handcuffs

The Covert Hide Out Handcuff Key sold on Amazon for a mere $6.50 is a brand new threat to all of law enforcement. Why? The device is sold in a package ready to hang on any zipper, cannot be metal detected, and will unlock any pair of handcuffs in existence.

'Tiny and lightweight, it can be hidden on or about your body or clothing so that it can not be easily spotted, yet ready for use if needed,' the product description boasts.
Comments from 'alleged' purchasers claim the key is a scam and won't work. 

The vendor and the company that make and sell the product aren't talking.

But if this key does work, watch out - the entire system of restraint used in jails and by the cop on the street is about to be made impotent.