What Would An H-Bomb Do To Your City?

'Fat Man' was the hydrogen fusion bomb dropped on Nagasaki.

Dr Alex Wellerstein, of the American Institute of Physics, has designed 'Nukemap' the application that shows what happens when a bomb like Fat Man were dropped on your town.

There are over 25,000 nuclear warheads ready to go. Just a handful exploding at the same time are enough to create 'nuclear winter' in the atmosphere.

Alex notes, 'What I like about the map is it makes the explosions look large and impressive but it shows it isn't the end of the world...the reality is the buildings would collapse and you would be set on fire, which makes it real and scarier.'

Whew! That is a relief...Oops, almost forgot - here is the site

10 Nuclear Bomb Facts
Obama Invites Nuclear War By Cutting Arsenal 80%