PETA's Persistent Pornography Pitch

PETA has a well deserved reputation for pomposity, hysterics and puerile howling.

Whats the beef?  Brit ex-pat Ingrid Newkirk has a hard-on for humans.  The agitated animal activist has morphed into a kind of Hugh Hefner of the go-meatless world.

In fact Newkirk cooked up the slogan, 'animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment.'.   So obsessed with her self-appointed Christ-like mission to place animals above humans, Newkirk once proclaimed, "We are complete press sluts," she told The New Yorker in 2003. "It is our obligation."

Ingrid admits she whores for press attention and specializes in the use of naked women and absurd analogy to push her foolishness.

Ms Newkirk's latest installment is a poster of four former Miss USA's naked, breast and muff cupping, stooped over the purportless punch-line, 'Feel beautiful in your own skin, and let animals keep theirs.'

Peddling soft porn and denuded women is a PETA trademark.  Ingrid insists there's an analogy between the skinning of animals and the skinning of humans.  As if anyone would want a pair of chest hair ear muffs.

If fur coats are the problem, why go after men with suggestive images of naked women?  Oh yea, Ingrid still thinks men are in charge.   Yet another delusion Ingrid suffers under.

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