World's Biggest Camera Has 6-Foot Tall Negatives

Why make a camera that's 12-feet tall and 35-feet long?

So you can make a negative that's 6-feet tall. Ah, but you keep asking, why make such a big negative? So you can make a building sized photograph with a 1:1 astonishingly detailed print.

Dennis Manarchy created the 'Eye Of America' to photograph the faces and history of vanishing U.S. culture.

A perfectionist at heart, and a famed photographer who wants to create 24-foot tall 'perfect' black-and-white photos of the lucky few he chooses to represent the varied cultural elements of the USA.

Dennis will cover 200,000 miles and all 50 states. A full10-years on the road.

There are other efforts to preserve whats left of the evaporating US culture. All of WWI and the Civil War are of course gone, but soon so will WWII, settlers in the East and West, American Indians, Eskimos, Cajuns, old miners from the west all soon to forever be gone.

Imagine these gigantic portraits on buildings instead of the hideous graffiti 'art' and banal billboard advertising that pollutes structures now?