Miracle Tumor Killer Based On Aspirin

Chemotherapy are poisons oncology uses to kill cancer tumors.  Often the cure is worse than the cause. Ask anyone that's done chemo.

A new hybrid of 'superdrug' based on aspirin shrinks tumors.  The drug? NOSH.

Scientists discovered NOSH kills colon, pancreatic, prostate, breast and leukemia cancers - without harming normal cells.  Professor Khosrow Kashfi from City College NY, said: 'If what we have seen in animals can be translated to humans, it could be used in conjunction with other drugs to shrink tumors before chemotherapy or surgery.'

What's different between NOSH and regular aspirin? NOSH doesn't have bleeding, ulcers, and kidney damage.  And did you know taking regular aspirin reduces colon cancer risk by 50%?

Don't get too excited, though. Remember the FDA will take years approving it no matter how well it works.

History's Oldest Tumor Found