Conservatives Have Better Sex Than Liberals

Liberals and conservatives agree on nothing and fight about everything.  This time, conservatives get to crow - they have better sex.

MatchDotCom Singles in America polled 5000 singles who revealed that although conservatives have less sex than liberals, they orgasm 99% of the time, compared to just 40% for the lame liberals.

The disparity centers on how liberals versus conservatives select mates

Liberals are more shallow, and less analytical choosing people based on clothing, looks, and food preferences.  Conservatives, instead, look past the shell in search of a compatible and mature commitment to a long-term relationship.

The blood-feud between liberals and conservatives will never end. And for good reason, liberals are rascals, and conservatives are the salt of the earth.  Can you believe the antics of Bill Clinton, Tony Weiner, John Kennedy and John Edwards?  Wow.

Liberal .v. Conservative Brain DNA
Mississippi Most Conservative State, D.C. Most Liberal
18% Would Swap 6 Months Of  Sex For 1 Month Bill Pay Help 
JFK Was Diddling Interns Decades Before Bill Clinton