8th Grader Arrested/Charged For Wearing NRA Tee-Shirt

While Obama and Napolitano are failing to protect the country from terror bombers and wasting time and money frisking fragile old ladies in airports the knee-jerks in the schools are likewise harassing innocent students and violating civil rights.

Fourteen-year-old Jared Marcum is a victim of the fascist mood in his school this week.  He made the mistake of wearing a tee-shirt with an NRA slogan and a hunting rifle on it.  Just the image of the hunting rifle made his bullying liberal teachers go weenie.

The West Virginia Logan County School District's dress code policy prohibits profanity, violence, discriminatory messages but says nothing about gun images.  Yet that didn't stop the errant teacher and the misguided administration from kicking Jared out of school and having him arrested on charges of obstruction and disturbing the education process.

"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem with this...especially when policy doesn't forbid it," Jared said.

Jared's dad Allen Lardieri says he's pissed that he had to rush from work to pick his son up from jail.  "He did not violate any school policy," Lardieri fumed.  "He did not become aggressive." 

In fact Jared is a good student.  His record was spotless, until now.

Once the DA refuses to pursue the bogus case against Jared the family have themselves a fun, fat easily winnable law suit against the school district.   On what grounds?  How about false arrest, wrongful suspension, violation of 1st and 2nd amendment civil rights, harassment, loss of pay, intimidation, and malfeasance in office - for starters.

Update 6-16: DA Wants Jared In Jail
