Makeup Contains Arsenic, Mercury And Lead

Not again. So tiring to hear about yet another 'toxin' in commercial products, but here we go again.

Though not listed on package labels, lipsticks have lead, eyeliner and concealers contain cadmium, powders and blushers are not nickel-free, beryllium is found in bronzes and eye-shadow and mascara and foundations are laced with arsenic.

A Canadian research company examined a boatload of makeup products and found the presence of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury (found in all sample), beryllium, nickel, selenium and thallium.

Despite bans on many of these metals in makeup in both the USA and Canada - the products contain anyway.

So why care?

These toxic metals are linked to hormone disruption, cancer, neurological problems, memory loss, mood swings, reproductive and developmental disorders, kidney problems, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, lung damage, dermatitis and hair loss. For starters. Scared yet?

Women are in denial of course, 'well, if these things are bad for you why doesn't the government do something?   Here's why ladies.  Manufacturers don't add these metals intentionally and so classify them as 'impurities' of the production process. 

So, don't come crawling to we taxpayers ladies when your lips and eyes grow tumors the size of grapefruit one day - we told you so.