55% Want Affirmative Action Abolished

Liberals like doing things backward.  One big backward Liberal idea is to right the wrongs of ancient discrimination by institutionalizing reverse-discrimination.  Huh?

Whites, Asians, and anyone not fitting into special groups the left-wingers decided deserve preferences, set-asides, quotas and affirmative action favoritism have been made victims of reverse-discrimination for over fifty years and people are finally fed-up with the injustice.

You see, there was and still is no time limit on the inequity in affirmative action programs dictated by the government. So is it any wonder people are saying enough is enough?

SCOTUS decides whole slew of cases concerning gay marriage and whether affirmative action remains intact this term.  But the public has already chimed in on both, so it remains to be seen how the court rules and how closely those rulings align with public opinion.

In 2007, the SCOTUS ruled public schools could not use race as a 'tiebreaker' when determining a student's admittance to certain high school and kindergarten programs in Seattle, Wash., and Louisville, Ky.

'The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race,' Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion on that case.

Ya think?

Today is the day SCOTUS decides - go here to watch in realtime.