Obama Hacks, Hijacks And Harangues History

Like Bill Clinton before him, Obama seems extra obsessed with his place in history. 

On www.whitehouse.gov we find the nose in the air classic Obama pose inviting the unwary to register for regular propaganda updates.  Click deeper and up comes the meaty part. Obama has been inserted into every presidential biography dating back to Calvin Coolidge.

For example, FDR according to Obama: “On August 14, 1935, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act. Today the Obama administration continues to protect seniors and ensure Social Security will be there for future generations.”  Laughing.  Obama stripped $500 billion from Medicare to fund Obamacare.  And his debt spending is wiping out the rest.

Obama's need to engineer his place in history is insipid and juvenile, but then that's been the performance we've come to expect.  Obama doesn't get to record how history will view him.  Jamie Weinstein of the Daily Caller for one, is calling Obama out.. 

Margaret Sanger was a turn-of-the-century eugenics social worker skulking around the slums of New York.  She coined the term 'birth control' and founded Planned Parenthood.  Ultimately, Sanger championed the idea to use abortion to break the cycle of poverty - and kill as many 'Negroes' as possible to do it..  Obama is a champion of taxpayer funded abortions, post-birth abortions, and forcing church's to provide abortive medications to their employees violating the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.  So Obama is carrying on Sanger's work, irony?

Bill Clinton's Attorney General, Janet Reno lorded over the worst domestic abuse by the US Government in history.  Waco Texas was the scene of the wholesale slaughter of dozens of US citizens by Reno's ATF.  Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder lorded over the Fast And Furious program that supplied weapons to Mexican drug lords.  These weapons have been traced to the murder of a US Border Patrol agent, also possible other US citizens.  Holder channeling Reno?  Maybe...

Obama's in the ugly phase of a legacy already doomed to mediocrity.  Instead of a second-term promising a second-chance to do something more than rack-up debt and wreck the medical system, Obama is unsurprisingly playing the Chicago-way now more than ever.

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