Geithner: Rich Must Pay For Privilege To Live In USA

Remember when Tim 'tax cheat' Geithner told the House Small Business Committee that  taxes on small business must increase so the Obama regime does not have to 'shrink the overall size of government programs.'

Joe 'hair plug' Biden sputtered the same party line extolling wasted spending during Obama's reign of constitution skirting.

We are down to it, Democrats have created a tax system whereby 51% pay no income tax, and the bulk of taxes are paid by the upper 10% of those that do pay them.

The Democrats are against a fair, simplified, flat tax system.  Why?  Oh yea, they have millions of jobless voters to feed. And of course, they avoid paying taxes themselves.

The election of 2012 was partly about taxation versus spending cuts. About cutting the monster-sized government that wastes and abuses and saving what's left of the country. Surprise!

Obama: 'We can't simply cut our way to prosperity'
Geithner: 'Privilege of Being an American' Rich Need Tax Hikes