The Sandy Hook shootings are producing panic and fear in both public and private schools nationwide. Irrational fear filling gun grabbers is even producing crazy toy gun buybacks. And now there's fear of teachers with families in turmoil.
Second-grade teacher Carie Charlesworth is a 14-year veteran of the San Diego Diocese school district working at the Holy Trinity School. But today she is fired. Not for her conduct or comments but because her ex-husband is an asshole threatening her, her kids, and anyone who might get in his way.
Charlesworth's ex is a convicted domestic violence felon whose been showing up at the school despite court issued restraining orders requiring him to stay away. The last time he showed up the school went into lock-down.
The diocese sent a letter to Charlesworth stating her ex-husband's "threatening and menacing behavior," means they "cannot allow" her to continue teaching at the Holy Trinity School.
Charlesworth has four kids also attending the Trinity School. All, including her kids have been ejected from the facility. Not only is she out of work, she is banned from teaching anywhere in the Diocesan system.
Several parents at Holy Trinity said the district did the right thing in a no-win situation because they feared for the safety of their own children. Several parents mentioned being part of a movement to “pull kids out of the school” if Charlesworth returned.
Second-grade teacher Carie Charlesworth is a 14-year veteran of the San Diego Diocese school district working at the Holy Trinity School. But today she is fired. Not for her conduct or comments but because her ex-husband is an asshole threatening her, her kids, and anyone who might get in his way.
Charlesworth's ex is a convicted domestic violence felon whose been showing up at the school despite court issued restraining orders requiring him to stay away. The last time he showed up the school went into lock-down.
The diocese sent a letter to Charlesworth stating her ex-husband's "threatening and menacing behavior," means they "cannot allow" her to continue teaching at the Holy Trinity School.
Charlesworth has four kids also attending the Trinity School. All, including her kids have been ejected from the facility. Not only is she out of work, she is banned from teaching anywhere in the Diocesan system.
Several parents at Holy Trinity said the district did the right thing in a no-win situation because they feared for the safety of their own children. Several parents mentioned being part of a movement to “pull kids out of the school” if Charlesworth returned.