Where else but California would the absurd and irrational point over gun hysteria be reached first?.
Either parents in Hayward, Ca will be outraged, or they will be numbly accepting of the goonie liberal goo brewing inside Strobridge Elementary Principal Charles Hill's addled head.
Charlie 'thinks' he has a brilliant idea: he’s holding a toy gun exchange next Saturday to bribe kids into turning in their toy guns for raffle tickets to win one of four bicycles.
Charlie's one of 'those' femme libbie toads who fantasizes about a connection between playing with toy guns and later becoming a serial killer or a mass school shooter like the Sandy Hook lunatic. Nevermind Adam Lanza was a nerdy awkward self-absorbed kid who never played well with others or with toy guns at all. Really none of the mass shooters were 'socially accepted' kids who played with toy guns or toy soldiers. But that's an inconvenient non connection truth for Charles Hill.
“Playing with toy guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes them, so as they get older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun,” Charlie snorts. Did we mention Charlie has no background in psychology or has likely never taken a gun safety class himself?
Thinking parent Yih-Chau Chang, spokesman for Responsible Citizens of California, noted, ”Having a group of children playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians is a normal part of growing up.”
California has a ton of Charlie's crawling around their bankrupt schools. Any wonder they're turning out drop-outs and student failure at a record pace?
Hysteria Swirling Over Montclair BB Gun Incident
Toy Gun Triggers Kindergarten Suspension
6-Year Old Suspended For Toy Gun
10-Year Old Arrested For Toy Gun
Homeschool Growing 7-Times Faster Than Public Schools
Free Handguns For Single Texas Women
Taliban Beheads Boys Age 10 And 16 For Stealing Food
Valedictorian Mic Cut For Saying 'God'
Either parents in Hayward, Ca will be outraged, or they will be numbly accepting of the goonie liberal goo brewing inside Strobridge Elementary Principal Charles Hill's addled head.
Charlie 'thinks' he has a brilliant idea: he’s holding a toy gun exchange next Saturday to bribe kids into turning in their toy guns for raffle tickets to win one of four bicycles.
Charlie's one of 'those' femme libbie toads who fantasizes about a connection between playing with toy guns and later becoming a serial killer or a mass school shooter like the Sandy Hook lunatic. Nevermind Adam Lanza was a nerdy awkward self-absorbed kid who never played well with others or with toy guns at all. Really none of the mass shooters were 'socially accepted' kids who played with toy guns or toy soldiers. But that's an inconvenient non connection truth for Charles Hill.
“Playing with toy guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes them, so as they get older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun,” Charlie snorts. Did we mention Charlie has no background in psychology or has likely never taken a gun safety class himself?
Thinking parent Yih-Chau Chang, spokesman for Responsible Citizens of California, noted, ”Having a group of children playing cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians is a normal part of growing up.”
California has a ton of Charlie's crawling around their bankrupt schools. Any wonder they're turning out drop-outs and student failure at a record pace?
Hysteria Swirling Over Montclair BB Gun Incident
Toy Gun Triggers Kindergarten Suspension
6-Year Old Suspended For Toy Gun
10-Year Old Arrested For Toy Gun
Homeschool Growing 7-Times Faster Than Public Schools
Free Handguns For Single Texas Women
Taliban Beheads Boys Age 10 And 16 For Stealing Food
Valedictorian Mic Cut For Saying 'God'