The opening salvo in a gun friendly state was put on Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval's desk this week.
The Democrats managed to muscle a 'universal background check' through the legislature and now Sandoval has a chance to right the wrong by vetoing the assault on gun rights. Will he?
Sandoval invites Nevadan's to tell him what to do. Call 775-684-5670 and press 1 if you agree with the Democrats or 2 if you want the ill-conceived bill.
Though Sandoval has said he would veto any attempt to impinge further on 2nd amendment rights, gun owners will call and press 2.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported over of the 2,200 calls made last Wednesday, roughly four out of five were in opposition to SB 221.
What Sandoval does may have a ripple effect on any attempt by other states to pass similar pernicious and misguided gun control tomfoolery.
The Democrats managed to muscle a 'universal background check' through the legislature and now Sandoval has a chance to right the wrong by vetoing the assault on gun rights. Will he?
Sandoval invites Nevadan's to tell him what to do. Call 775-684-5670 and press 1 if you agree with the Democrats or 2 if you want the ill-conceived bill.
Though Sandoval has said he would veto any attempt to impinge further on 2nd amendment rights, gun owners will call and press 2.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported over of the 2,200 calls made last Wednesday, roughly four out of five were in opposition to SB 221.
What Sandoval does may have a ripple effect on any attempt by other states to pass similar pernicious and misguided gun control tomfoolery.