Jan Cooper is the 72-year old grannie firing a .357 Magnum stopping what would have been a tragedy for her and wheel-chair bound hubby when 31-year old convict Brandon Alexander Perez tried to kick their door down.
Perez was blocks from his half-way house and freshly released from prison on parole when he chose the wrong house to burglarize.
Jan screamed 'Back up you son of a bitch! Back up! Get the hell out of here!' before squeezing off a round from the powerful handgun. The bullet whizzed by Perez's cheek missing by inches. Perez was heard to yell from behind the door, 'I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm leaving. Please don't shoot.'
Jan first called 911 as Perez was kicking away at the door. Her Rottweiler was heard barking loudly on the call but it apparently made no different to Perez. It took firing the handgun to get his attention. The cops found Perez in nearby bushes cowering and begging them for mercy.
'I am a Christian woman and I'm very proud of it and I don't curse but after I shot, rage took hold and I just blasted away,' Jan said. 'And, in fact, afterwards my husband said, 'I've never heard you talk like that!'