Ever since Obama, the half white half black half-term senator took office the USA has had to put up with race hustlers, race baiters, and race bullies.
Interestingly, recent DNA research reveals even Michelle Obama has whites in her family tree - great-great-great grandmother, Melvinia Shields was knocked up by her slave owners son producing Dolphus Shields, Michelle's great-great grandfather. So not even the Obama's can claim racial purity.
Yet the Obama's and their ardent race accomplices paint the USA as the most racist country on the planet. Ehhh...not even close.
The World Value Survey's top four least tolerant and most ferociously bigoted countries are Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Jordan and India where more that 70% of the population say they would hate anyone from another race living next door. See the map.
In fact, the hotbed of racist nations are in Africa, Asia, Islamic middle east and Russia. North and South America and Australia rank lowest among the worlds race-hating countries.
Ironic the USA elects the self-described bi-racial president and then suffers the indignant injustice of being painted with the race brush daily by a guy elected twice to the most powerful job in the whole country.
Rudest States In USA - Ohio Is Rudest
Countries Most Ethnically Diverse
African Lion Meat On CA Menu
Interestingly, recent DNA research reveals even Michelle Obama has whites in her family tree - great-great-great grandmother, Melvinia Shields was knocked up by her slave owners son producing Dolphus Shields, Michelle's great-great grandfather. So not even the Obama's can claim racial purity.
Yet the Obama's and their ardent race accomplices paint the USA as the most racist country on the planet. Ehhh...not even close.
The World Value Survey's top four least tolerant and most ferociously bigoted countries are Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Jordan and India where more that 70% of the population say they would hate anyone from another race living next door. See the map.
In fact, the hotbed of racist nations are in Africa, Asia, Islamic middle east and Russia. North and South America and Australia rank lowest among the worlds race-hating countries.
Ironic the USA elects the self-described bi-racial president and then suffers the indignant injustice of being painted with the race brush daily by a guy elected twice to the most powerful job in the whole country.
Rudest States In USA - Ohio Is Rudest
Countries Most Ethnically Diverse
African Lion Meat On CA Menu