Meredith once compared animal rights activism to the liberation of World War II holocaust camps. One day the spooky Ms Lowell decided to become self-appointed one-woman liberation front by hiring an assassin to kill fur coat owners.
Meredith created a Facebook account under an alias and wrote 'I would like to create an online community on Facebook which would allow me to find someone who is willing to kill someone who is wearing fur toward the end of October 2011 or early November 2011 or possibly in January 2012 or February 2012 at the latest.'
The FBI took notice and organized an undercover sting. ‘I am paying you $730 to kill one person wearing fur who is 12 or older – hopefully at least 14 years, however 12 years old or older is fine,” Meredith related carefully detailed instructions to the posing FBI agent.
Meredith today spends her days under a wool blanket dressed in prison issue. And stepping on cockroaches as they circle her bunk-bed.