Science Patents Orgasm Machine

No snake shit.  Science took the time to work on an implantable orgasm device for women.  Why?  Who knows but the device may pretty much end the bar scene as we know it.

Smaller than a pack of cigarettes, the 'machine' is implanted in the buttocks.  Electrodes are implanted in the spinal chord and in the 'G' spot.  The rest is pretty simple - squeeze and moan, or if so inclined, squeeze and squeak.  Either way, the middle-man is bypassed - pun intended.

Dr. Stuart Meloy,  a surgeon at Piedmont Anesthesia and Pain Consultants in Winston-Salem, N.C., stumbled onto the idea when he was schlepping around the area when his patient asked, ‘You’re going to have to teach my husband to do that’.”

Of course, only the desperate and courageous need apply.  Remember, this involves sticking wire and current into the spinal chord, and placing another set in the vagina.  There are limits to ecstasy.  Even orgasms courtesy of a butt-mounted appliance and a limited five year warranty have a limited battery life.

If this thing takes off, Bill Clinton is gonna have to find a new hobby.